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Sandborn Roofs Inc

Business Category: Hose and Tubing-Flexible-Metal (Wholesale)

Hose & Tubing-Flexible-Metal (Wholesale)

801 - 25 Avenue
Nisku, AB
T9E 7Y9

Phone: 780.955.8761
Fax: 780-955-8781

Sandborn floating roofs are used by all major oil companies, as well as oil storage and pipeline companies because they are safer, more cost effective and more environmentally friendly than other floating roof systems.
Sandborn IFRs are safer because they float directly on top of the product and do not allow vapours to build up. Other systems have a vapour space between the roof and the product allowing dangerous fumes to collect. The principal design feature of the Sandborn IFR is the closed-cell polyurethane module core. This core is impervious to liquids and vapours, making it a virtually unsinkable floating roof.
Sandborn floating roof systems save our clients money by reducing evaporation and preserving more of the stored product.
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